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Visual Modeling in ABA Therapy

Dedicated to Excellence

little girl wearing headphones in visual modeling aba therapyJourney ABA provides evidence-based ABA therapy to clients with autism and other intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDDs). As many of our clients are children, our treatment programs and services also focus more on helping entire families learn how to support their loved ones who struggle with autism or other IDDs. 

Anxiety and stress can make learning a challenge for children with autism. In traditional teaching situations, one-on-one interactions can be uncomfortable for any child. If your child is uncomfortable, stressed out, and anxious when they’re participating in learning activities, they need to overcome those negative emotions before they begin to learn.​

One strategy that’s often used in ABA therapy is visual or video modeling. This strategy is fun and familiar for children and may reduce their stress and anxiety, as it’s also self-paced and multi-sensory. With visual modeling, learning may become easier for your child as they watch, imitate, and have fun while doing so. If you’re looking to try visual modeling in ABA therapy in Massachusetts or Florida, contact Journey ABA today. Call 844.222.4513 or reach out to our team online.

What Is ABA Therapy?

Applied behavior analysis (ABA) therapy involves the science of learning and behavior. Applied behavior analysis helps clients and therapists to understand how behavior works, how behavior is affected by the environment, and how effective learning takes place. ABA therapy also applies that understanding to real situations. The goal is to increase behaviors that are helpful and decrease behaviors that are harmful in terms of learning.

ABA therapy programs can help:

  • Increase language and communication skills
  • Improve academic performance, attention, focus, memory, and social skills
  • Decrease problem behaviors

ABA therapy has been used to help children with autism and other IDDs since the 1960s. However, effective ABA therapy programs for autism should be customized for each client. The goal of any ABA therapy program is to help a client work on skills and capabilities that will help them become more successful and independent, both in the short term as well as in the future.

What Is Visual Modeling in ABA Therapy?

Video or visual modeling in ABA therapy is an evidence-based prompting strategy that’s often used to increase the positive behaviors of a client. Visual supports and autism treatment typically work well together in teaching skills to and increasing the capabilities of people with autism. In fact, research shows that many people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) learn best through visual means. 

Video modeling has been proven to be a highly effective teaching method for all children. This teaching method involves clients watching a video of someone completing an activity, and then imitating the activity afterward. Many learners find this an effective method for acquiring functional living skills.

What Are the Benefits of Video Modeling in ABA Therapy?

Video modeling is best used to teach a child with autism how to perform a new skill. It’s also ideal for teaching a child with autism how to perform a current skill they have at a higher level with fewer supports. These concepts can be applied to behaviors that you would like the child to learn as well those that you would like the child to stop doing. Here are some examples of what can be addressed using video modeling in ABA therapy:

  • Getting through transitions without meltdowns
  • Learning to use communication to get needs met instead of inappropriate behaviors
  • Participating in a routine activity independently
  • Responding to social situations appropriately
  • Using language properly in social situations

Reach Out to Journey ABA to Learn More

Are you interested in trying visual modeling in ABA therapy in Massachusetts or Florida? Contact Journey ABA today by calling 844.222.4513 or reaching out to our team online.